Saturday, March 29, 2008

March House Update

I know, I know, it has been over a month since my last posting about the is just very hard work picking out all those things that go into building a house, you know like doorknobs, and trim, and sinks. Even though I haven't actually been sweating I have been doing a lot of "brain work" or some would call "decision making", which if you know me well, is a very difficult task for me at times. With that said, I really have no good excuse for not posting, it has been going very smoothly, our contractor is great and all our workers have been very pleasant. And believe it or not, they are currently finishing the drywall and are projected to be done with that by Wednesday of this week.
Here are some new pictures, but not necessarily the most current...the exterior is the same, it is completed except for the painting, we will be doing that hopefully this spring as soon as the ground dries out and we decide on a color!!


Stacy said...


I was *JUST* as in about 3 minutes ago thinking, "So what's new with Dean and Carrie's house?" I nearly shot off an email to Michelle about it. And then I checked Bloglines real quick before I hopped off the computer and here it is!

FUN!!! It looks GREAT! Such progress! I'll bet you're getting SO excited to move in there! :)


As For Our House...We will serve the Lord. said...


Carrie, I LOVE your new house and I am so excited to see things come together in the next month!! You are getting so close now! We are so happy for you guys!!

mrs shortcake said...

How exciting! My family always built our houses, and I remember being SO excited seeing them come together! Your girls must be thrilled!