Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Chicks

Things are moving right along at the house, we started painting the interior two weeks ago and it is quite colorful, you can definitely tell we have three girls...the upstairs has been referred to as a "bag of M&M's" and rightly so, but you will have to wait for the pics. I have been lazy about taking pictures. It's hard to take pictures and hold a paint brush at the same time but I do promise to post some soon. Since I'm not painting tonight I thought I would take just a few moments to do some updating on the girls.
All of them started softball a couple of weeks ago, this year Madi is playing Majors for the first time and Merrill and Mollie are still on the same team for one more year, however, this year I am helping out with coaching their team, so it should be interesting:) Merrill turns 9 in just two more days and she had her "hamilton" (see Merrill's new smile post) removed about a week and a half ago, we were so excited! Her braces remain for now and she added a retainer that can be removed while eating(much easier). Unfortunately only 6 days after she received this removable retainer it was placed in the trash at a restaurant that we had stopped at after visiting a friend at the hospital, so we were back in the orthodontist office once again to have a retainer made just one week and $60 later. We will see how long this one lasts!!!


As For Our House...We will serve the Lord. said...

I LOVE that picture of your very cute chicks!!!

And the retainer was "placed in the trash" by WHOM??? :)

I LOVE all of your colors upstairs!! But, personally, I thought your dad's description of "Candyland" was very cute! Your house is BEAUTIFUL and I cannot wait to see all that will happen in the next month!

Keep up the great work! You are almost there!

Becca M. said...

Just popped over from the CWO blogroll so I thought I'd say hi!

Know what it's like redoing a house--we are still redoing our bathroom and that project started over a month ago. :)