Thursday, January 31, 2008


I was listening to a new cd yesterday that I received from a friend and I read these lyrics...
"It's one place there's never been a foreigner/'Cause God's love makes everybody
welcome there/Sometimes there's nothing left but to believe/ Sometimes in an instant/Sometimes we wait for years/But it comes down to the moment faith eclipses fear/Your wandering is over/The other side is real/You've broken through/
Your mountain moved/And mercy is revealed/His mercy is revealed"

For some reason these words among many others that I love on this cd burned into my brain when I first read them and made me think. Sometimes there is nothing left but to believe, we try to do things ourselves and be in control and it just DOES NOT work. My fear gets the best of me, I have faith, but to actually have that moment when it does just come down to believing, to having my faith eclipse my fear, WOW, that is powerful, because then and only then can my Mountain be moved by my Merciful God!!

And if you were wondering who wrote these deep lyrics that have made me come to tears every time I've heard them, well, it's none other than Mr. TobyMac. (And who ever said rockin'rap music couldn't glorify God...NOT ME!!)

1 comment:

As For Our House...We will serve the Lord. said...

Did you really post this at 4:46 am??? Now that is some bloggy-devotion!!!!

What an awesome reminder of this truth! I have certainly had my seasons of fear...and there are many days (actually usually nights) when I can feel that fear trying to creep back in. I choose faith. Faith in a Mountain-moving, House-protecting, Merciful God!!

Thanks for posting this!!

Love you MUCH!! Michelle

p.s. I better get busy on my TobyMac lyrics!!
p.s.s. I am SO coveting your labels!!