Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy 6th Birtrhday BIG MO!

I can't believe it! Mollie is 6 years old today. Our family had fun at dinner time looking and reading through Mollie's baby book. She was born at 1:08p.m. on a Thursday. Big sisters and grandma and grandpa were the first one's to greet us in our room at the hospital. The first gift I recorded that she received was a soft, pink blanket from our sweet friends Kristin and Shane and MaKenna, which also happens to be the same stinky, ugly blanket that she still sleeps with today! It is unrecognizable!! But that is for another post:) It's fun to think back on all of that (now that I get a full 8 hrs. asleep each night, and if I don't it's my own fault) and think about our young family of girls.
Today we decided to celebrate Mollie's birthday after Kindergarten with her V.B.F.F.L. Jordan Randolph. We ate lunch at Mollie's favorite restaurant, McDonald's, and headed to "Build-A-Bear", which was more like "Build-A-Bunny". After much indecision Mollie chose the same Bunny as Jordan and then they picked out coordinated outfits in pink and black for their "bunny twins." They are fun girls to hang out with, they enjoy each other so much, God has definitely given them a special friendship which started from the very beginning of their lives.
Happy Birthday BIG MO!
We love you smooch!

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