Saturday, February 09, 2008

House update!

There has been a lot going on around here these days, some of the most exciting have to do with the fact that we actually have some progress on the house!! A few weeks ago the footers were poured and then the crawl space dug out. The weather has been so crazy that they have not made been able to do any more work. However,this week was very exciting, they were able to lay the block for the foundation and the first floor ( as you can see in the last pic with Merrill standing on the pile of mud) was put on the house yesterday!!!


Val said...

Congrats on your new house! Thanks for sharing. I love your blog!

As For Our House...We will serve the Lord. said...

This is no longer a house some pics of your house now!!!!! :) It is looking AWESOME and we are so very, very happy for you guys!!!!!!! We should probably plan for painting in another week or so, don't ya think????